When hunting through my stash I found McCall's 5415, a vintage pattern that I have had for years.

I have sew it once before, but the results were less than spectacular. For my fabric I used three matching prints designed by April Rhodes for Art Gallery Fabric, and just had enough to eak out the matching bloomers in the orange colorway.

I liked that the prints matched and were a small all-over print, which was common in fabrics of the period. I used vintage buttons that I got for my birthday on the dresses, white with yellow and white with orange (Thank you Zoe!), I will use plain white buttons on the teal dress.

As you can probably tell, the dresses are quite appreciated, the bloomers look quite silly when worn and are thus unphotographed.
Here is a shot of the almost finished (but not in this picture) teal dress.

The Challenge: Out of your comfort zone
Fabric: A bit over 6 yards of April Rhodes for Art Gallery Fabric cottons in (2) Mustard, (1.3) Clementine and (3) Teal.
Pattern: McCall's 5415
Year: 1943
Notions: 24 vintage buttons
How historically accurate is it? Quite! The pattern is vintage as are the buttons ans sewing techniques.
Hours to complete: Hmm... around two days worth of work for the finished dresses.
First worn: Saturday
Total cost: $50
By the way, if anyone is interested in an in depth review of Sew Vera Venus' bra pattern let me know, it is a great pattern and I have made seven so far, yes, seven!